Easy Self-Service Platform for Advertisers!

Launch your campaigns in minutes with our fully optimised self-serve system.


Fully Tailored Traffic Campaigns.

Keyword Targeting

Choose the keywords that match the search terms for your target audience and SEO goals and we’ll build the campaign around them.

Precise Targeting

Got a strategy in mind? Then choose which search engines and social media channels you want to target and build your campaign.

Affinity Groups

Our team will automatically match your chosen keywords and website niche with the correct affinity groups to ensure smarter targeting of visitors.

Account Managers

Our experienced team will research and maximise your campaign with the most valuable keywords and social media groups for your niche at no extra cost.

Consideration Solutions

Get consumers interested in you.

Increase website traffic

Showcase your brand with relevant product offers and flexible creative. With intelligent product recommendations, your ads will automatically feature the products most likely to trigger visits and engagement.

Increase app traffic

Get app engagement from new customers on mobile web, other apps, and across devices. Promote special offers that directly link to the product page within your app to increase traffic, encourage usage, and secure a lasting customer relationship.

Get more app installs

Target new users, lapsed users, and active mobile web visitors with ads that drive installs. With an unmatched understanding of shopper behavior, we can power campaigns that target the users most likely to download and regularly use your app.

Drive Your Business with LPHAds

LPHAds, Inc is more than quality traffic. It’s a team of professionals. With help from our Support, Account Management and Campaign Approval teams, your success in Performance Marketing is right around the corner.

We customize data-driven, performance solutions to help launch, scale, and invigorate businesses of all sizes, industries, and revenue models.

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The leading advertising platform for the open Internet.

LPHAds was built on the open Internet, and believes in the opportunity, choice and freedom that it offers to everyone. With our holistic suite of advertising solutions, retailers, brands, and publishers of all sizes can access the data and technology they need to best attract and keep their customers

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